Division of Water Lilies
The following provides a pictorial of how to divide your HARDY water lilies. We suggest dividing your Hardy water lilies during late winter/early spring when you are cleaning your pond. Plants will still be in dormancy so this reduces stress to the plant.

This plant can be divided into two plants.

Remove the plant and wash away excess soil.

Cut away the shoot from the main root with a sharp knife. Keep as many roots as possible.
Your plants are now ready to be re-potted.
How we re-pot Hardy Water Lilies

Start with a round or square water lily basket 22-24cm in diameter

Half fill the basket with Aquatic soil. You can include slow release Glenbogal Aquatic Spikes (seasonal) or Glenbogal Aquatic Tablets (regular feeding) in the soil to provide nutrient to the plant. Make sure the tablet is surrounded by soil to alleviate nutrient leaching. For information on fertiliser Tablet Fertilisers
Compress the soil around the edges leaving a high mound in the centre.

Select your root stock.

Place your root stock in the centre of the basket with the growing tip point upwards. Spread the roots as evenly as possible to allow greater stability.

Cover with soil. Be careful not to damage the growing tip.
Compress the soil around the basket edges as this reduces the amount of excess soil leeching, Do not cover the growing tip.

Make sure the soil is fully compacted. This reduces movement of the plant while the roots anchor in.

Once potted trim off any damaged or old leaves to reduce further stress and promote new growth.
Cover with small Aquatic pebbles.
NOTE: If pebbles have been in the sun and are hot submerge in cool water so the heat does not burn the plant.

A covering of 10 – 20mm is suggested to deter fish from digging at the roots causing the plant to uproot or excess soil being spilled in the pond floor causing sludge.

Your plant is now ready to be placed in your pond. Place in an area of your pond with full sun and limited water movement to promote growth. Once the roots come through the bottom and sides of the basket you can move it to deeper water.
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